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bird room finished!

Penny W


We moved into our house 6 months ago and have worked hard since then. We have hardly touched the house but the garden and bird house have had a lot of tie and effort spent on them. Before we moved we were planning on a bird house approx. 8x6'. When we first moved we had to set the birds up in the garage - far from ideal but they were OK. Before we got around to building out smallish bird house we saw a shed being sold off which was perfect, just a bit bigger - well, a lot bigger to be precise - 24 x 12' in fact!. We had to hire a 7.5 ton truck, drive to Sandwich (Kent, 4 hours away) dismantle the shed - which was still full of bird cages, seed etc, etc. The shed was fully lined and insulated and the deal was we took everything away with us! We left at 5am, had dismantled and loaded up by 3pm, home by 7 then an hour to unload and then had to return the van. A long day.

Before we could begin to reassemble the shed we had to do some major ground works, levelling the garden and digging down so the 12" sleepers that the shed stands on could be buried. For a long time our back garden was a patch of bare earth and mud. Over the next few weeks we painted and reassembled the shed and Steve wired it all up so there are plenty of lights, sockets, extractors etc. Steve is a perfectionist so it is all done to a very high standard. Eventually, about 1 month ago we moved the birds in. They were instantly happier in a light, airy environment. It is easy to clean and a joy to be out there.

Over the past month we have been working on the outside flights and today the birds had their first taste of outside sunshine, they were a joy to watch. I have recently diversified with finches other than just zebras and now have some silver bills, owls, gouldians, diamond firetails, hecks grassfinches and masked grassfinches (may favourite). The masked grassfinches are the boldest and were quickly out exploring the outside world.

shed interior.jpg



finch flight.jpg

masked grassfinch.jpg



Recommended Comments

WOW!!! that is some bird room Penny and it looks like all your efforts have paid off.

Is that a CCTV monitor or TV on the wall above you.

Anyway, ENJOY! :D

an envious Andyn.

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What a truly fantastic set up penny, well done, can do so much more when you've got the room,

love the look of the interior design and certainly has the wow factor  :good:

Andy,  I think it's a small tv that penny has up on the wall, can clearly see the smooth radio preference  :D

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1 hour ago, Penny W said:

Anyone wanting to visit is more than welcome - we love having visitors - (Frome, Somerset)

Thank you so much for your kind invite penny, that means a lot :hi:

im in Northwest Kent and quite some distance from you but if I ever get the chance to come down your way I'll send you a PM  :good:

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1 hour ago, Stuart whiting said:

Thank you so much for your kind invite penny, that means a lot :hi:

im in Northwest Kent and quite some distance from you but if I ever get the chance to come down your way I'll send you a PM  :good:

any time!

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