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Flu! (human, not bird!)

Penny W


Having moved house my body decided that the stresses involved in house moving were too much and my body has gone into meltdown. For the past week I have been almost bedridden with high fevers and feeling rubbish, when I have a window of feeling slightly better I pop out to the birds, check a few cages, then collapse back into my bed - it's rubbish! Steve has been working hard - at his job, then DIY around the new house and keeping on top of the birds, I just hope he doesn't catch this bug off me. Anyway this weekend in a 'better' hour we set up a new cage for all my fledglings. They seem very happy - I have two more to move in with them in the next couple of weeks, I have 2 nests of chicks that have just been rung then another 5 pairs with eggs due to hatch in the next week or so.

I had 2 nests of chicks last week - of similar ages (luckily). Steve suddenly noticed the cock bird in one cage was trying to take nesting into the box, he looked in - the 2 babies (there were only 2, the other 3 eggs were clear) had been completely buried, their crops were empty so he removed them and put them with the other babies where - one week on they are doing well. I was dying of my virus at that time so would never have noticed

I would have attached a picture of my fledglings setting into their new cage but it appears the file is too big and I can't work out how to make it smaller!


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And I thought you ladies were the strong ones where we men get man flu you battle on regardless:D.

Seriously Penny, hope your back to good health soon.

With regard to making photo files smaller you can try this site- https://pixlr.com/ select the 'editor' app and then 'launch web app' when you are in you will get a box asking where you want the files from. ( If you've saved it to a computer then select that one) Once it's in the frame go to top of  page and click on Image button, go to size and when you get box telling you the size of the file you can change it to anything but it's probably best to go for 680 x 460 (if there is a little tick in a small box then the system will automatically change the second size to what it thinks should correlate with the 680. Once you have changed the size go to 'File' and 'save' Save it in place of your original (over writs) on computer.

You should be able to upload it to the Forum post now. The forum system does also make images smaller but shouldn't cause any problems.

Any problems PM me and we'll go to the Forum 'chat' room.

Hope that helps but there might be others who can also advise.


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